Pain Management
This will involve 3 kinds of services:
1. Routine pain consultations - by the Pain physician,
Neurosurgeon, Pain Physical therapist etc.
2. Basic pain procedures done by the Pain Physician - like
IMS (Intra muscular stimulation) - for muscular pain --> trigger point
injections (under ultrasound guidance) etc
3. By Musculoskeletal PT:
Joint mobilisations
Myofascial release
Trigger point therapy
Taping technique
Neural mobilisation
Muscle energy release etc.
In a hospital set up - in the operation theatre under image guidance.
1. By the NeurosurgeonÂ
All the functional neurosurgeries including MVD, spinal surgeries (including complex fusions), baclofen pumps etc.
2. By Pain Physician:
Nerve blocks Adhesiolysis - epidural (cervical, lumbar, caudal)
Spinal cord stimulation - post laminectomy pain, ischemic limb pain,
Radio frequency lesioning - trigeminal neuralgia, facet joint pain
Implantable pumps - cancer pain & bone pain
Vertebroplasty - spinal pain due to metastasis or instability of spine
Ozone therapy for discogenic pain

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Chronic Pain.
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